Where I’ve Been

Some may care, some may not. But I havn’t been writing as much. I’ve been enjoying my time with my family and putting technology to the side for a bit.

Our little boy is 4 months old now and has so much personality. It has been so much fun seeing all of the changes. I have had a lot of time off with him, which has been great and it leaves little time for writing.

My wife and I finally have our evenings together-now that the little one falls asleep on his own. Once he is in bed for the night, we have been enjoying reading and catching up on shows that have been neglected. It has been great being able to focus on our still-new marriage.

Most of my free time outside of family stuff goes towards my school work. I will have my Masters competed in September. I cannot wait to be finished!

After September I really want to focus on writing again. Whether it is technology or not, who knows.

But that’s what has been going on here. Doesn’t sound like a lot but the most important things take up a lot of time. Life is good.

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